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Is it possible to go diagonal or is the last (5th?) level supposed to be impossible? It seems possible if we can move diagonal, but idk how I can do that ><

Hey, I don't know if we are referring to the same level, but if it is possible to pass it, the answer is simpler than you think.


I beat the entire thing, some of the "Puzzles" are just unfair. Playing the old levels over and over is just annoying, and the options aren't in English like the rest of the game. The idea of a Puzzle-Game like this isn't bad, but the execution leaves a lot of space for improvements.


hey, thanks for the feedback, yes, I understand that it is annoying the game itself, in a way and in a somewhat artistic way is the purpose of the game as it is in itself a punishment hehe.

Although it's just a silly game that came to my mind with the theme, and thanks for informing me about the other language, I forgot to change some things.

Lastly, thanks for taking the time to live this frustrating experience, I appreciate it. <3